
“Why not just let Turner carry his helmet around with him in his left hand, using it to fend off tags like a shield?” Man would I love this version of baseball.

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If a runner’s leg were to fall off in the middle of a play, would tagging it count as an out? I'm not 100% convinced. It might not matter, practically, because the rest of the baserunner would likely still be nearby and moving slowly. What if the rest of the baserunner scored but the leg was between third and home and the play wasn't over yet, could the opposing team tag the leg for an out? Would the run count? Could other baserunners run past the leg and score? What would happen to the player who tagged the dismembered leg for the out, would they be credited with a high baseball IQ or become a pariah?

What if it was a finger, or half a finger? Maybe the batter swings at an inside pitch, dribbles it in front of the plate off their fingers and somehow one pops off. Could the catcher pick up the ball and tag the finger? Also, which player in modern baseball would be most likely to attempt running to first in that situation? Bumgarner? Bobby Bonilla? Pete Rose? Kyle Farnsworth?

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The question of "what if the rest of the baserunner scored" is obviously answered by the common facts as they exist right now: Touching home with any part of your body counts the run and ends the chase. It's not like the whole body has to cross home before the runner gets tagged.

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You're right, that's obvious. We know fielder can't throw a glove to catch a ball or tag a runner. That carries some of the most severe penalties in baseball if I remember correctly. But how much of a baserunner needs to touch to touch home? Could a baserunner throw a sliding glove, or a finger, to touch home before a tag is applied to the rest of their body?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I needed the reminder that sometimes it’s just a monster-of-the-week episode. Thanks, Sam!

I am a Cocofloss convert. It makes me hate flossing less.

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While I'm sure it is very wasteful, I'm grateful for the floss picks - they are the only way I floss. I'm not dexterous enough to get my fingers in my mouth, and I feel like I'm cutting off the circulation in my fingers trying to do it by hand.

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I hope you wash n reuse it 🙏

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Hard agree.

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If you know what I'm thinking, then you know how excited I am to get two posts for the price of one! Bring it on.

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Thanks for reminding me to floss.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Wonderful article - as always.

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Are y’all hip to the “flat floss?” Oral B “Satin tape” is the proper name, and it’s been a game changer for me. Stronger than conventional floss for sure, and much less a chance to get a strand of floss stuck between your back teeth

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I'm a Glide guy.

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After looking this up, I believe we are speaking of essentially the same thing. When I googled “flat floss” what I mentioned came up first, but “glide” appears to be the same concept.

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Awesome piece. I was just talking to my friend about the fact that Nationals rookie phenom James Wood seems to always have trouble keeping his helmet on when he runs the bases. I wonder how much time runners lose reaching up to hold their helmet. I've never thought about the advantages of it falling off.

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There's a pretty mediocre baseball movie called "The Final Season" which, while based on a true story, pretty much plays like a by-the-numbers sports movie. It does have a few good moments, one in particular involves Coach Powers Boothe running infield practice. Oh, and Samwise Gamgee proving he can hit a baseball.

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OT: Flossing WORKS. I get great satisfaction when I’m in the dentist chair, getting my gums poked around with one of those sharp torture implements, and getting praise for not bleeding a whit.

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The miracle cure for my not-flossing tendencies was to floss before I brush. If I brush first, my lazy self starts whispering "good job, feels clean enough, I'm tired now.." That's the path to quitting early.

But if I floss first, well then the flossing is already done. And I'm obviously not going to not brush. Not brushing would be outrageous!

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You might have just changed my life, Sam Miller.

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(Raises hand!) Me too! I read enough from the floss-first contingent to convert, years ago. I also rinse with the Listerine stuff after brushing. Can’t miss!

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